Results for May 13, 2023
N Stevens 40 K

Ride: #8

D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:15 am: 64.0 °F, 1.0 mph ENE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:30 am: 65.0 °F, 5.0 mph E wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:45 am: 66.0 °F, 5.0 mph ENE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:00 am: 68.0 °F, 4.0 mph E wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:15 am: 69.0 °F, 8.0 mph ENE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:30 am: 71.0 °F, 7.0 mph ENE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 10:00 am: 73.0 °F, 8.0 mph NE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 10:15 am: 74.0 °F, 11.0 mph NE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 10:45 am: 75.0 °F, 8.0 mph ENE wind, (15.75 miles from the course)
D9004 Weather @ 5/13/2023 11:15 am: 78.0 °F, (15.75 miles from the course)
KPSC Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:53 am: 69.1 °F, 6.9 mph N wind, (9.70 miles from the course)
KPSC Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:53 am: 73.9 °F, 5.8 mph NNW wind, Clear (9.70 miles from the course)
KPSC Weather @ 5/13/2023 10:53 am: 78.1 °F, 3.4 mph, Clear (9.70 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:15 am: 64.4 °F N wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:35 am: 66.9 °F N wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 8:55 am: 71.2 °F, 10.4 mph NNE wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:15 am: 72.1 °F, 6.9 mph NNE wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 9:35 am: 72.7 °F, 6.9 mph NNE wind, (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 10:15 am: 76.1 °F, 4.6 mph N wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)
KRLD Weather @ 5/13/2023 11:15 am: 82.2 °F, 5.7 mph NNW wind, Clear (3.12 miles from the course)

Report: Season Points Event Male Raw ✔ Female Raw

RiderGenderAgeAge RangeHandicapRide
Time ▲
Top 10
110Farawila, AnneF4840-491.219  01:10:30.00  21.1501:02:20.0695260
23Spangle, DianaF6860-691.397  01:14:42.00  19.9601:03:43.30 73123

Riders: 2